You are here: Alt Configuration > Alt Control Center Help > Attendance > Regularization Reason Type

Regularization Reason Type

Regularization Reason Type page displays a list of regularization reasons. You can filter the list on the basis of HrRegularizationReason and Description.

How to create a regularization reason?

1. Click + icon. Following pop up will open.

Field Level Description

HrRegularizationReason regularization reason.
FutureDatedAllowed can be checked or unchecked. Indicates whether future dated regularization is allowed or not.
Description description of regularization reason.

2. Enter the required information.

3. Click Save button.

Impact in Alt Worklife

Regularization Reason is displayed as drop down in a pop up when an employee selects attendance to be regularized and clicks Regularize button under Attendance > My Attendance.